Friday, February 16, 2007

Edited everything in my blog!
Actually not all, but some laas. Edit till i pekchek(:

In the end, i can only reach this limit.
Wtffff! Cheongxinen! How you do those skins one!
Got so many patience & time & everything!
I do some nia then headache like shiat ald!

Dunno why, but all of them look disfigured in that pic abv.

Phuck me laa! I failed practically all of the common test!
Although some which i have confidence in still didnt know yet.
CHINESE- 31/50
EMATHS- 11/dunnohwmuch!
OMIGOSHH HELP ME LAAAA! the first time i get such phucking low marks in chinese.
in fact i think im the lowest in class or wad?! argh, what the arse happen.
they say jiak bee hoon teach very good, but how come when she teach,
my grades drop sooo much! even lesser than yang high tone!
Chemistry i expected it to fail, cause mono tone sucks to the core!
Emaths,oh wtff! I thought i mastered at least some formulas but actually, nt even one f* thing i knw!

I just hope that i'll do well in amaths&hist&ss.
But its like.. Impossible?!

Yeaps, Everyone is preparing for
I didnt help out much laas, except.

The slanted ''tree'' , thanks to the beautiful camera of sony erricsson.